Thursday, May 14, 2015

Landscape Gardening with CARE

Landscape Gardening is no longer simply a job of creating a well planned garden, grading the terrain, and then executing a plan of what to plant where. The 21st century brought about its own environmental necessities and eco-demands that have to be taken into account.

Through combining workshop style assignments with research and ‘hands-on’ experience, the Wright Scoop takes readers through a process that uses site plats to create landscape/gardens which respect an existing vista, preserving and enhancing its eco health. For any style landscape should not simply be a result of traditional design but be the right plant, installed in the right place at the right (optimal) planting season - creating eco-legacies of landscape green, sustainable urban/suburban communities which enhance green space for today and future generations.
Project Back Ground
The challenge for present-day homeowners, gardeners or Industry professionals is to be naturalists with a "waste not, want not" ecological commitment: become stewards of the land, caretakers for their environmental communities. Through ‘hands on’ research, Wright identified tips and strategies which enable the who, why, where, what, how and when of landscape gardening -
     Who: Understand the factors which influence a landscape gardening perspective; and then, describe it in terms of someone who presently does and/or desires to 'dig in the dirt'.
     Why: Define landscape gardens more in terms of a mission, a lofty perspective such as 'green' - 'providing for present-day needs without sacrificing the future'.
     Where: Location, location, location – conduct a site analysis which identifies climate and physical constraints.
     What: Combing the 'who, why and where' influence a landscape garden plan, develop goal statements which describe a proposed site.
     How: List activities that accomplish the identified goals.
     When: Using the 'what and how' activities, identify recommended installation time-frame as well as recommended maintenance time-frame; and then, create a landscape gardening schedule.
Enable readers of her research to become known as a person who enables an eco-legacy of CARE - conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency.

Sylvia Hoehns Wright is a nationally recognized eco-advocate, contributing writer and communications specialist; in her spare time  she is a passionate historian and member of the American League of Pen Women.(  As founder of the ‘Plants of CARE’ plant recognition program and recipient of the Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic award , the Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright seeks to inspire people to create an eco-legacy of CARE, a perspective of conservation, accountability, recovery and eco-efficiency – ‘green’ America’s landscape! To review and/or acquire copy, link to Sylvia's store or for details of Wright's eco advocacy, visit web site 
In his review Den Gardner, executive director of Project EverGreen, says:"Wright’s eco-chic advocacy embodies every aspect of the consumer education campaign we hoped to inspire. For, our vision is to become a global organization that empowers people within communities to change society through the responsible creation and preservation of sustainable green spaces, such that the ever-increasing impacts of global warming in the world are measurably reduced; because Green Matters!


1 comment:

  1. If you want to learn more about Sylvia and her projects, listen to my interview with her on Blog talk Radio:
